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   English Support Forums :: PHP-Fusion Coding Coding Style

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Закрытые темыTable of Contents Admin 603 0 04.06.2013 21:25:48

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Table of Contents PHP-Fusion Coding Style PHP-Fusion version 7.02.00 Table of Contents Overview 3 License 3 Scope 3 Note 3 Naming Convention 4 Classes 4 Folders 4 Filenames 4 Func7ons 4 Variables 5 Constants 5 Variables 6 PHP Code
php_fusion_7_02_coding_style_beta2_11_11_12.pdf :: Manual for coders php_fusion_7_02_coding_style_beta2_11_11_12.pdf
Закрытые темыOverview. License Admin 382 0 04.06.2013 21:24:51

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Overview. License PHP-Fusion Coding Style PHP-Fusion version 7.02.00 This document is based upon the Zend Framework’s Coding Standard Manual. Licensed under New BSD License and copyrights are applicable to porEons of Zend Framework. Copyright © 2005--Ѓ] Zend
Закрытые темыScope Admin 383 0 04.06.2013 21:23:49

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Scope PHP-Fusion Coding Style PHP-Fusion version 7.02.00 This document provides guidelines for code formaRng and documentaEon to individuals and teams contribuEng to PHP-Fusion. Many developers using PHP-Fusion have also found these coding standards useful because
Закрытые темыNote Admin 350 0 04.06.2013 21:22:59

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Note PHP-Fusion Coding Style PHP-Fusion version 7.02.00 SomeEmes developers consider the establishment of a standard more important than what that standard actually suggests at the most detailed level of design. The guidelines in PHP-Fusion's coding standards
Закрытые темыNaming Convention. Classes Admin 415 0 04.06.2013 21:21:09

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Naming Convention. Classes PHP-Fusion Coding Style PHP-Fusion version 7.02.00 Class names may only contain alphanumeric characters. Numbers are permiLed in class names but are discouraged in most cases. Underscores are not permiLed. If a class name is comprised
Закрытые темыFolders Admin 392 0 04.06.2013 21:17:39

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Folders PHP-Fusion Coding Style PHP-Fusion version 7.02.00 Only alphanumeric characters and underscores are permiLed. Spaces are strictly prohibited. New words are separated by underscores and the .rst leLer of each new word, including the .rst work, must be
Закрытые темыFilenames Admin 368 0 04.06.2013 21:16:27

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Filenames PHP-Fusion Coding Style PHP-Fusion version 7.02.00 Only alphanumeric characters and underscores are permiLed. Spaces are strictly prohibited. New words are separated by underscores and the .rst leLer of each new word, including the .rst work, must be
Закрытые темыFunctions Admin 315 0 04.06.2013 21:15:12

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Functions PHP-Fusion Coding Style PHP-Fusion version 7.02.00 Function names may only contain alphanumeric characters. Underscores are not permiLed. Numbers are permiLed in funcEon names but are discouraged in most cases. FuncEon names must always start with a lowercase leLer.
Закрытые темыVariables Admin 458 0 04.06.2013 21:13:47

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Variables PHP-Fusion Coding Style PHP-Fusion version 7.02.00 Variable names may only contain alphanumeric characters. Underscores are not permiLed. Numbers are permiLed in variable names but are discouraged in most cases. For instance variables that are declared with
Закрытые темыConstants Admin 360 0 04.06.2013 21:11:54

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Constants PHP-Fusion Coding Style PHP-Fusion version 7.02.00 Constants may contain both alphanumeric characters and underscores. Numbers are permiLed in constant names. All leLers used in a constant name must be capitalised, while all words in a constant name must be
Закрытые темыVariables. PHP Code Demarcation Admin 402 0 04.06.2013 21:08:32

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PHP code must always be delimited by the full--Ѓ] form, standard PHP tags: 1. Short tags or not adding ?> at the end of a PHP .le are never allowed. String Literals When a string is literal (contains no variable subsEtuEons), "double quotes" should always be used to demarcate the
Закрытые темыVariable Substitution Admin 346 0 04.06.2013 21:06:06

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Variable Substitution PHP-Fusion Coding Style PHP-Fusion version 7.02.00 Variable subsEtuEon is permiLed using this form: PHP <?php  $greeting = "Hello  .$name. ", welcome back!"; ?> For consistency, this form is
Закрытые темыString Concatenation Admin 389 0 04.06.2013 21:04:47

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String Concatenation PHP-Fusion Coding Style PHP-Fusion version 7.02.00 Strings must be concatenated using the "." operator. A space must never be added before or amer the ".": PHP <?php  $company = "PHP- Fusion"
Закрытые темыNumerically Indexed Arrays Admin 373 0 04.06.2013 21:02:49

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Numerically Indexed Arrays PHP-Fusion Coding Style PHP-Fusion version 7.02.00 NegaEve numbers are not permiLed as indices. An indexed array may start with any non--Ѓ] negaEve number, however all base indices besides 0 are discouraged. When declaring indexed arrays with
Закрытые темыAssociative Arrays Admin 377 0 04.06.2013 21:00:03

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Associative Arrays PHP-Fusion Coding Style PHP-Fusion version 7.02.00 When declaring associaEve arrays with the Array construct, the iniEal array item must begin on the following line. It should be padded at one indentaEon level greater than the line containing the
Закрытые темыClasses and functions. Class Declaration Admin 368 0 04.06.2013 20:57:22

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Classes and functions. Class Declaration PHP-Fusion Coding Style PHP-Fusion version 7.02.00 Classes must be named according to PHP-Fusion's naming convenEons. The brace should always be wriLen on the same line as the class name. All code in a class must be indented
Закрытые темыClass Member Variables Admin 428 0 04.06.2013 20:55:27

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Class Member Variables PHP-Fusion Coding Style PHP-Fusion version 7.02.00 Member variables must be named according to PHP-Fusion's variable naming convenEons. Any variables declared in a class must be listed at the top of the class, above the declaraEon of any
Закрытые темыFunction and Method Declaration Admin 412 0 04.06.2013 20:52:59

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Function and Method Declaration PHP-Fusion Coding Style PHP-Fusion version 7.02.00 Functions must be named according to PHP-Fusion's funcEon naming convenEons. Methods inside classes must always declare their visibility by using one of the private, protected, or public
Закрытые темыFunction and Method Usage Admin 361 0 04.06.2013 20:50:04

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Function and Method Usage PHP-Fusion Coding Style PHP-Fusion version 7.02.00 Function arguments should be separated by a single trailing space amer the comma delimiter. The following is an example of an acceptable invocaEon of a funcEon that takes three arguments: PHP
Закрытые темыControl Statements: if / else / elseif Admin 365 0 04.06.2013 20:40:46

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Control Statements if / else / elseif PHP-Fusion Coding Style PHP-Fusion version 7.02.00 Control statements based on the if and elseif constructs must have a single space before the opening parenthesis of the condiEonal and a single space amer the closing parenthesis
Закрытые темыSwitch Admin 373 0 04.06.2013 20:38:39

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Switch PHP-Fusion Coding Style PHP-Fusion version 7.02.00 Control statements wriLen with the "switch" statement must have a single space before the opening parenthesis of the condiEonal statement and amer the closing parenthesis. All content within the "switch" statement
Закрытые темыFor Admin 436 0 04.06.2013 20:22:52

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For PHP-Fusion Coding Style PHP-Fusion version 7.02.00 Control statements wriLen with the "for" statement must have a single space before the opening parenthesis of the condiEonal statement and amer the closing parenthesis. The opening brace is wriLen on the same line
Закрытые темыComments Admin 320 0 04.06.2013 20:20:58

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Comments PHP-Fusion Coding Style PHP-Fusion version 7.02.00 Header comment All files must at the line below
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