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:: English Support Forums :: PHP-Fusion Coding Coding Style :: Variables
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PHP-Fusion Coding Style PHP-Fusion version 7.02.00

Variable names may only contain alphanumeric characters. Underscores are not permiLed.
Numbers are permiLed in variable names but are discouraged in most cases.
For instance variables that are declared with the "private" or "protected" modi.er, the .rst
character of the variable name must be a single underscore. This is the only acceptable applicaEon
of an underscore in a variable name. Member variables declared "public" should never start with
an underscore.
As with funcEon names (see secEon 3.3) variable names must always start with a lowercase leLer
and follow the "camelCaps" capitalisaEon convenEon.
Verbosity is generally encouraged. Variables should always be as verbose as pracEcal to describe
the data that the developer intends to store in them. Terse variable names such as "$i", $ii, $n and
"$m" are discouraged for all but the smallest loop contexts. If a loop contains more than 20 lines of
code, the index variables should have more descripEve names.
Variables names like $foo, $bar or $test are not permiLed.
  Опубликовано 04.06.2013 21:13:47 
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