Warning: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead in F:\OpenServer\domains\php-fusion.vveb.ws\includes\bbcodes\mail_bbcode_include.php on line 20
Warning: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead in F:\OpenServer\domains\php-fusion.vveb.ws\includes\bbcodes\mail_bbcode_include.php on line 21
Warning: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead in F:\OpenServer\domains\php-fusion.vveb.ws\includes\bbcodes\search_bbcode_include.php on line 39
PHP-Fusion Coding Style PHP-Fusion version 7.02.00
Function names may only contain alphanumeric characters. Underscores are not permiLed.
Numbers are permiLed in funcEon names but are discouraged in most cases.
FuncEon names must always start with a lowercase leLer. When a funcEon name consists of more
than one word, the .rst leLer of each new word must be capitalised. This is commonly called
"camelCase" formaRng.
Verbosity is generally encouraged. FuncEon names should be as verbose as is pracEcal to fully
describe their purpose and behaviour.
These are examples of acceptable names for functions:
For object oriented programming, accessors for instance or staEc variables should always be
pre.xed with "is ", "get" or "set". In implemenEng design paLerns, such as the singleton or factory
paLerns, the name of the method should contain the paLern name where pracEcal to more
thoroughly describe behaviour.
For methods on objects that are declared with the "private" or "protected" modi.er, the .rst
character of the method name must be an underscore. This is the only acceptable applicaEon of an
underscore in a method name. Methods declared "public" should never contain an underscore.
FuncEons in the global scope (a.k.a ".oaEng funcEons") are permiLed but discouraged in most
cases. Consider wrapping these funcEons in a staEc class.