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Classes and functions. Class Declaration

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Classes and functions. Class Declaration
PHP-Fusion Coding Style PHP-Fusion version 7.02.00

Classes must be named according to PHP-Fusion's naming convenEons. The brace should always be
wriLen on the same line as the class name. All code in a class must be indented with one tab and
only one class is permiLed in each PHP .le.
Placing addiEonal code in class .les is permiLed but discouraged. In such .les, two blank lines
must separate the class from any addiEonal PHP code in the class .le, the only excepEon is
addiEonal classes extending the main class.
The following is an example of an acceptable class declaraEon:

Загрузить источник  PHP
  1. <?php
  2.  class SampleClass {
  3.   // all contents of class
  4.   // must be indented by one tab
  5.  }
  7. ?>

Classes that extend other classes or which implement interfaces should declare their
dependencies on the same line when possible.

Загрузить источник  PHP
  1. <?php
  2.  class SampleClass extends FooAbstract {
  3.  }
  4. ?>

  Опубликовано 04.06.2013 20:57:22 
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